19 vjecarja nga Brazili heq virgjerine me nje kalimtar ne mes te rruges
Pamjet jane te bera nga nje paparac dhe nuk shifet mire.Fotoja e kesaj femra me vone dhe konfirmuar.
Gonzales, Neymarit: Po shkoj me gruan tënde (Video)

Mesfushori i Uruguajit, Alvaro Gonzalez, ka pasur një debat të ashpër me Neymar gjatë ndeshjes gjysmëfinale të Kupës së Konfederatave Brazil-Uruguaj (2-1). Pasi kanë hedhur ofeza kundrejt njëri-tjetrit, ylli i kombëtares braziliane i ka dërguar puthje në formë ironie. Gjithsesi, kjo gjë duket se nuk i ka pëlqyer shumë futbollistit të Lazios, i cili ka vendosur që në adresën e tij në Twitter ta ofendojë edhe më rëndë kundërshtarin e tij. "Ç’kemi Neymar? Vazhdo të më dërgosh puthje kur të duash, dështak, ndërkohë unë po shkoj me gruan tënde", ka shkruar Gonzalez.
Rikja nga krahët e Noizy-t tek Stresi
Pas publikimit të fotos së parë, si Noizy ashtu dhe Rikja mohuan që të kishin dicka bashkë, ndërkohë që mbetet ende mister fotoja me Stresin…. Mister ngelet edhe fakti se kush e ka shpërndarë atë.
Pas fotos tash del edhe videoja e Adem Jasharit me Sali Berishën
Kryeministri në detyrë i Shqipërisë dhe heroi kombëtar Adem Jashari, ishin takuar bashkë në nëntor të vitit 1992.
Spain and Italy poised for EURO rematch
The second semi-final of the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 is an all-European affair, with reigning world champions Spain taking on Italy, the runners-up at UEFA EURO 2012. The match is a re-run of last year's continental final, which ended in victory for La Roja.
The game
Spain-Italy, Fortaleza, Thursday 27 June, 16:00 (local time)
Spain-Italy, Fortaleza, Thursday 27 June, 16:00 (local time)
The stakes
Spain have had a faultless run to the semis, winning all three of their games in Group B with style and efficiency. Italy, by contrast, are in the last four as Group A runners-up, having finished with a 4-2 defeat by Brazil. Gli Azzuri
will be pleased to have reached the knockout stage, but they will no
doubt be concerned by their defence, which has let in eight goals in
three games.
The Italians also have several
injury concerns going into their semi-final. Mario Ballotelli and
Ignazio Abate have been ruled out of the rest of the tournament, while
Riccardo Montolivo and Andrea Pirlo are both doubts for the clash with Spain.
The two sides have met 31 times to date, resulting in 12 draws, nine wins for Spain and ten victories for Italy. The last time Gli Azzurri beat La Roja was in August 2011, when they claimed a 2-1 victory in an international friendly.
The most recent encounter between Spain and Italy,
however, is still fresh in the memory. On 1 July 2012, the pair squared
off in the final of UEFA EURO 2012, having earlier drawn 1-1 in the
group stage. La Roja made light work of the Italians on that occasion, winning 4-0 with goals from David Silva, Jordi Alba, Fernando Torres and Juan Mata.
The stat
15 – The number of goals Spain scored in their three group matches at Brazil 2013, an average of five per game. La Roja have been the most prolific side at the tournament but also the meanest in defence, having conceded just once so far.
The words
"This semi-final is a chance for Italy to take revenge. They'll be a very difficult team to beat, but we want to keep moving forward and reach the final," Vicente Del Bosque, Spain coach.
got to start conceding fewer goals. A team of our talent and skill
level shouldn't be making defensive errors like these," Gianluigi Buffon, Italy goalkeeper.
Moderatorja e KTV-së sfidon Tunën dhe 'zogun' e saj
Prezantuesja e lajmeve qëndrore në televizionin Kohavision
(KTV), Edona Zogu, ka ironizuar me këngëtaren shqiptare Tuna, të cilën e
ka ‘sfiduar’ në rrjetin social Facebook.
Tuna, e cila njihet
ndryshe edhe si ‘zogu’ pasi ishin mediat ato që i dhanë një ‘epitet’ të
tillë, me rastin e rrahjes së tij në videoklipin “I Asaj”.
Dhe, zogjtë u rikthyen në aksion,
pasi ‘zogu’ i Tunës u përmend edhe në këngën “Fenix” me të dashurin e
saj Cozman, kurse pa reaguar nuk ka mbetur moderatorja që mban mbiemrin
“Tunës: Kur të duash shtyhemi me zog”, ka shkruar Edona në profilin e saj në Facebook. /Telegrafi/Ardian Bujupin Sulmon Nje Student 10 Vjet Burg Per Te
Nuk dihen arsyet, por pas një konfrontimi me një djalë të ri në një klub në Frankfurt, në Gjermani, Ardian Bujupi e ka sulmuar keqazi personin në fjalë aq sa e ka lënë pa ndjenja për tokë dhe më pas është larguar nga vendngjarja.
Kur policia ka mbërritur në skenë, pas hetimit të ngjarjes ka lëshuar dhe urdhër arrest për këngëtarin e "Want U Now", shkruan gazeta gjermane "Bild".
Mbetet të shihet në ditë në vazhdim se si do të reagoj ish-konkurrenti i "Deutche Super Star" pas këtij incidenti, që pritet të ndikoj në karrierën e tij. /albeu.com/
Kur policia ka mbërritur në skenë, pas hetimit të ngjarjes ka lëshuar dhe urdhër arrest për këngëtarin e "Want U Now", shkruan gazeta gjermane "Bild".
Mbetet të shihet në ditë në vazhdim se si do të reagoj ish-konkurrenti i "Deutche Super Star" pas këtij incidenti, që pritet të ndikoj në karrierën e tij. /albeu.com/
Gruaja e Darren Bent çmend Barbados-in
Të dy janë parë shumë të lumtur në prezencën e njëri-tjetrit, ndërsa Maclaren është fotografuar në momente shumë hot dhe në një formë të shkëlqyer .
Real Madrid confirm Carlo Ancelotti as new coach
New coach Carlo Ancelotti was presented as "a true sage" of football by Real Madrid president Florentino Perez on Wednesday.
Ancelotti was introduced to Madrid members and the press at the Santiago Bernabeu by Perez in a step aimed at healing the rifts caused by predecessor Jose Mourinho.
Speaking in Spanish, the 54-year-old Italian said he was "happy to be at the most prestigious club in the world."
Ancelotti received a three-year contract on Tuesday.
He said he was aware Madid was "a club that needs to win by playing spectacular football."
He added he was going to work to ensure the club would deliver the style of football that its fans anticipated.
"It's not easy work, it's not always easy for a coach to work," Ancelotti said.
However, he said he had visited the club's training ground and found it to be what he expected, it had "everything needed."
Former player Zinedine Zidane was at the introduction, although it was not immediately clear what his role would be.
Ancelotti was introduced to Madrid members and the press at the Santiago Bernabeu by Perez in a step aimed at healing the rifts caused by predecessor Jose Mourinho.
Speaking in Spanish, the 54-year-old Italian said he was "happy to be at the most prestigious club in the world."
Ancelotti received a three-year contract on Tuesday.
He said he was aware Madid was "a club that needs to win by playing spectacular football."
He added he was going to work to ensure the club would deliver the style of football that its fans anticipated.
"It's not easy work, it's not always easy for a coach to work," Ancelotti said.
However, he said he had visited the club's training ground and found it to be what he expected, it had "everything needed."
Former player Zinedine Zidane was at the introduction, although it was not immediately clear what his role would be.
Lajmi i fundit - Gjendja shendetesore e kryeministrit Berisha teper e rende
Edhe pse mjeket asgje nuk komentojn Gjendja e kryeministrit Sali Berisha gjate dites eshte keqesuar, mirepo tash kemi lajm se gjendja e berishes eshte ende me e keqe...
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